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Received:May 29, 2012
Received:May 29, 2012
中文摘要: 介绍了PDCA方式运用于职业导师制培训模式中的实践过程,通过前期计划的规范化、执行过程的保质化、检查评估的细致化、总结剖析的深度化这4个方面来确保整个培训过程能够达到预期的目标。
Abstract:The practice of the training model of power talents professional mentoring on PDCA is introduced,which constitutes standardization of plan,ensured quality of execution proceduces,detailed checking and evaluating,profundity of analysis and summary,which can guarantee all training stages achieve their intended goal.
文章编号:20120323 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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