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Received:November 11, 2013
Received:November 11, 2013
中文摘要: 针对大型火力发电机组重要辅机温度保护容易误动和拒动的问题,从检修工艺、设备防护、设计思路、逻辑优化4个方面对温度保护进行优化,以保证重要辅机的长周期运行.
Abstract:In view of the large thermal power unit important auxiliary temperature protection mal-operation and failure operation problems, from such four aspects as the maintenance process, equipment protection, design thinking, logic optimization, the temperature protection is optimized, some important measures are put forward to optimize the long period operation of the important auxiliary equipment.
文章编号:20140310 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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