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Received:November 07, 2013
Received:November 07, 2013
中文摘要: 聚合物电缆绝缘层中空间电荷的存在和积累对电缆的电导特性、老化、击穿等有很大的影响。采用电声脉冲(PEA)法开发了一套新型的空间电荷测量装置。该系统采用带有相位检测的高压脉冲发生器,使装置在交直流状态下可实现对电缆绝缘层空间电荷分布状态的测量.利用此装置分别对新出厂的电缆和已运行过的电缆试样进行了测试.研究发现:在试验条件相同的情况下,运行多年的XLPE电缆(交联聚乙烯电缆)中的空间电荷积聚要明显多于新电缆.
Abstract:The existence and accumulation of space charge within the insulating material poses great threat to the conductance characteristics, aging and breakdown of the polymer power cables.A new space charge measurement device is manufactured with a pulsed electro-acoustic method.The device can be used for measuring the space charge distribution in the cable insulation under DC high voltage and AC high voltage because its high-voltage pulse system can measure the phase of highvoltage.The system is used to test a new domestic XLPE cable and a XLPE cable which has been run over some years.In the case of the same test conditions, the space charge accumulation in the cable which has been operated for many years is significantly more than that in the new one.
文章编号:20140512 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
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