Journal of ShangHai University of Electric Power :2017,33(1):30-32,38
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(上海电力学院 电子与信息工程学院)
Determination of Optical Parameters in Slightly-off-axis Interference Microscopy
(School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
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Received:March 16, 2016    
中文摘要: 着重分析了微离轴干涉理论,通过自(互)相关理论确定了微离轴干涉中物参角的大小,由此推得干涉条纹的最佳空间频率.通过与传统干涉法的实验结果对比发现,微离轴干涉成像重建精度高.此外,不同直径的细胞应合理选用不同倍率的物镜,有助于提高后期相位重建的准确度,为进一步提高干涉测量的速度和准确度提供了新方法.
中文关键词: 微离轴干涉  共焦显微  层析  空间频率
Abstract:Slightly-off-axis interferometry theory is introduced and the angle between the object and sample path is calculated via the auto-correlation(cross-correlation) theory.According to this special angle,the optimized fringe spacing is introduced.The slightly-off-axis interference system is compared with on-axis and off-axis interferometry,which is good for high resolution.It is concluded that the biological cells with different size should choose the proper micro objective.As a result,it is convenient for the experiment operating and the enhancement of the phase reconstruction accuracy.The above results shed more lights on novel interferometry.
文章编号:20171007     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
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