Journal of ShangHai University of Electric Power :2018,34(2):101-105
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(上海电力学院 能源与机械工程学院)
Experimental Study on the Influence of Flying-ash Erosion Characteristic with the Particle Size
(School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China)
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Received:February 26, 2018    
中文摘要: 研究了电厂不同粒径的灰粒在常温态和热态时对冲蚀磨损的影响规律。两种工况的试验结果表明:在试验粒径范围内,常温态时,随着粒径的增大,磨损率会逐渐增大,当粒径增大到一定程度时,磨损率会趋于平缓;而热态时,随着粒径的增大,磨损率并没有明显变化。显然,常温中颗粒大小对材料冲蚀磨损的影响要明显大于高温中的冲蚀磨损。
Abstract:The influence of flying-ash erosion characteristic at different particle size is studied at constant and high temperature conditions.The test result shows that in constant temperature the erosion rate increases at first as the particle size riser and then remains unchanged,in high temperature the erosion rate remains unchanged within the test range of particle size.Therefore,the influence of particle size on the erosion characteristic is significantly bigger at constant temperature than at high temperature.
文章编号:20182001     中图分类号:    文献标志码:
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