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Received:May 12, 2020
Received:May 12, 2020
中文摘要: 首先,对中越两国的能源利用与发展现状进行了比较,认为中越两国之间在能源上存在互补,可以进行多方位的合作。其次,从4个方面分析当前中越两国合作可能面临的有利条件与相关挑战,为两国之间进行下一步深入合作提供了参考。最后,在中国"一带一路"与越南"两廊一圈"政策背景下,提出了中越两国在传统能源方面的合作路径。
Abstract:Through comparative analysis theory,China and Vietnam compare energy use and development status,and believe that China and Vietnam are complementary in energy and can carry out multi-directional cooperation.In 4 aspects,the favorable conditions and related challenges that the current Sino-Vietnamese cooperation may face are proposed,which provides a reference for the next step of in-depth cooperation between the two countries.Under the policy background of China's "Belt and Road" initiative and Vietnam's "Two Corridors and One Economic Circle" initiative,it digs deeper into the conditions for cooperation between China and Vietnam and proposes a traditional energy cooperation path.
文章编号:20214013 中图分类号:F206;F125 文献标志码:
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