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中文摘要: 中小型电厂安全生产责任制评价指标体系是综合运用安全系统工程方法对系统的安全性进行度量和预测后得到的一系列指标的集合.主要阐述了安全生产责任制评价指标体系的内涵、安全生产责任制评价的指导思想和遵循的原则、评价的程序,并用多种方法对上海申能星火电厂进行了实际评价,并进行比较,结论是可信的.最后选出一套理论性与实践性兼备的可操作方法
Abstract:Safety production responsibility system and evaluation index system of the medium and small-scale power plant is the tolerance and forecast of the safety system by comprehensively applyingmethods of the safetr system engineering. This paper introduces mainly the intension of safety production responsibility system and evaluation index system, the guiding ideology and the followed principle of evaluation index system and the procedure of evaluation
keywords: medium and small-scale power plant safety production responsibility system evaluation index system system engineering
文章编号:20010413 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
SHI Quan sheng,Ni Na.Establishment and Application of Safety Production Responsibility System and Evaluation Index System in Medium and Small-scale Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2001,17(4):59-64.
SHI Quan sheng,Ni Na.Establishment and Application of Safety Production Responsibility System and Evaluation Index System in Medium and Small-scale Power Plant[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2001,17(4):59-64.