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中文摘要: 第二语言习得过程不是以教师为中心的承载文化信息的语言现象和文化规则的单纯引介,而是要以学生为中心,以拓宽学生词汇文化和话语文化视野并灵活运用为目的.提出二语习得这种特殊的文化交流与传播过程的实质是一种文化建构的过程.学生在运用拓展了的词汇及话语文化知识去理解新的文化信息的同时,其内化的母语文化系统正在二语文化因素输入的同时重新构建,在重构过程中一种新的文化正在孕育形成.其自身的文化认知能力、文化意识、文化对比能力都在发生着变化.
Abstract:Second language acquisition should be a student-centred and competence-oriented communication process rather than a teacher-centred introduciton of culture-loaded information and pragmatic principles. The author attempts to verify that the essence of this special cross-cultural communication is a process of cultural construction, in which second language learners' innate cultural framework is to some extent enlarged and reconstructed, and their cognitive ability of different cultural elements, cultural awareness are raised to a higher level.
文章编号:20040318 中图分类号: 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
张筝 | 上海电力学院 外语系, 上海 200090 |
Author Name | Affiliation |
ZHANG Zheng | Dept. of Foreign Language, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China |
ZHANG Zheng.The Cultural-constructional Model of Second Language Learning[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(3):81-85.
ZHANG Zheng.The Cultural-constructional Model of Second Language Learning[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2004,20(3):81-85.