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中文摘要: 钠冷快堆是一种目前被快速推广的快中子反应堆。钠作为冷却剂,具有很好的传热性能,但由于其化学性质活泼,与水、空气反应剧烈,故应考虑液态钠的喷射泄漏及其引发的火灾问题。采用钠喷射试验数据,基于NACOM程序分析了雾状钠火事故的结果,发现在不同初始温度的工况中,NACOM程序对于压力、温度的预测结果与试验结果差异较大。分析了存在差异的原因。通过嵌入基于化学反应动力学的预混燃烧模型及蒸汽膜复合阻力模型,对原程序中的预混燃烧模型及液滴运动阻力模型进行了优化测试,改进了程序的预测结果。
Abstract:Sodium cooled fast reactor is a fast neutron reactor which is rapidly popularized at present.Sodium as coolant has good heat transfer performance.However,due to its active chemical properties and violent reaction with water and air,the leakage of liquid sodium and the fire should be considered.Using the sodium injection test data,the results of sodium spray fire accidents are analyzed based on NACOM program.It is found that the prediction results of NACOM program for pressure and temperature are quite different from the test results under different initial temperatures,and the reasons for the difference are analyzed.By embedding the premixed combustion model based on chemical kinetics and steam film composite resistance model,the premixed combustion model and the droplet motion resistance model in the original program are optimized and tested,and the prediction results of the program are improved.
文章编号:20225017 中图分类号:TL364+.4 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 | |
彭程 | 上海电力大学 能源与机械工程学院 | diomio@shiep.cn |
乔大龙 | 上海电力大学 能源与机械工程学院 |
PENG Cheng,QIAO Dalong.A Model Test Study to Optimize the Analysis Program of Sodium Spray Fire Accidents[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2022,38(5):513-517.
PENG Cheng,QIAO Dalong.A Model Test Study to Optimize the Analysis Program of Sodium Spray Fire Accidents[J].Journal of Shanghai University of Electric Power,2022,38(5):513-517.