Journal of ShangHai University of Electric Power :2015,31(6):560-564
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SRCM Application Study of Component Level to Ship-unloader
(1.Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China;2.Shanghai Minghua Electric Power Technology Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200090, China;3.Taicang Harbor Golden Concord Electric Power Generation Co., Ltd., Suzhou 215400, China)
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Received:March 23, 2015    
中文摘要: 卸船机是电厂码头最常见的卸煤设备,其可靠运行为燃煤供应提供了保证.应用SRCM理论对卸船机各部件进行了风险评估,根据重要度排序确定高、中、低风险等级部件,并指出对应的主要影响因素.针对不同风险等级的部件采用不同的维修策略,有效避免了检修资源的浪费.
中文关键词: 卸船机  风险矩阵  维修方式  精简型RCM
Abstract:Ship-unloader is the most common coal unloading equipment at plant harbors and its reliable operation provides an adequate supply for coal combustion. With the analysis of SRCM, various components of the ship-unloader can be evaluated in terms of risk, which helps to find high, medium and low risk level components in sequence of importance and points out the main related factors. Different maintenance strategies are applied to different levels of components, avoiding wasting maintenance resources effectively.
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